Posted on April 11, 2022 (Last modified on March 2, 2024) • 1 min read • 188 wordsGnothi seauton
Loïc Etter
Hutti 27
3250 Lyss
Threema-ID: 9WUDBK7K
+41 79 916 52 20
The website etter.work is meant to accompany my life and work. It serves me personally primarily as a reference work. If others can benefit from it as well - I’d love to! Currently I am studying at ETH Zurich.
and what else?
Otherwise, I like to be in and around the water, and I am also involved as a lifeguard. Since March 2022 primarily in the form of vice president of the SLRG section Lyss. If there is time, I also perform piquet services on Lake Biel. The SLRG is a rescue organization of the Swiss Red Cross (SRK). Within the scope of my activities for the SRC, I always try to adhere to the Red Cross principles. I make any possible political statements as a private person, and these are to be clearly separated from my offices.
Since I like people and am interested in medicine, I have decided to move to the retirement home in September 2021. I participate in the project «Studentisches Wohnen im Gesundheitszentrum» of the city of Zurich.